On this page you will find links to random short pieces I've written throughout the years, including short stories, poems, and things that don't really fall into a category. Most of the stuff here was done for fun, as creative writing assignments, or as experiments. I don't consider any of them publication-worthy and most of them are unedited. All pieces here are original, and I'm giving them a blanket rating of PG-13, though I wouldn't consider most of them even that high. Use the links below to go to each piece's page.

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Aristotle Dies! - I took an astronomy course once where we were given an incredibly open-ended assignment: write something having to do with Aristotle's contributions to the way people thought of the universe. This is what I wrote.

Ashes - It all might be a giant metaphor. 1,153 words, contemporary mainstream.

Bad Habits - Something I wrote for a prompt. 673 words, contemporary mainstream.

Bander - Originally written as part of a word count exercise on a now-defunct message board. 1,057 words, fantasy/supernatural.

The Charge - Another result of a word count exercise. 1,390 words, fantasy.

Conversation - A short story that I wrote for my final project in my creative writing class in college. 2,638 words, contemporary mainstream.

Elaine's Song - Written for my college creative writing class. 886 words, contemporary mainstream.

everyone's a poet - I was once on a board infested with emo kids who subjected us all to their bad poetry. This was my response to that.

The Golden Rule - Another writing exercise and sort of a precursor to my 2008 NaNoWriMo story. 1,262 words, contemporary mainstream.

Gooden - A "first line" exercise, where the first line from a previously-written work is selected and then used as a prompt for the rest of the story. 734 words, contemporary mainstream.

Hidden Corners: A Project - My pretentious name for a challenge I'm undertaking where I write 100 original stories and/or poems centering around one theme and based off 100 separate prompts. I chose to write about the characters in my original fantasy trilogy, The Myrrost'a Prophecy, focusing on pasts and aspects of their lives that aren't in the novels.

In Another Life This Could Have Been an Origin Story - A short story written for a challenge. Beware mysteriously free movie props. And big red buttons. 1420 words, science fiction.

Once Upon a Time - A random thing that is outdated now because Indiana has switched to Daylight Savings Time. But included here out of protest.

One More Dying Piece - A short story that's partly autobiographical and partly not. 1,067 words, contemporary mainstream.

Postmodernism - This is stupid. Really stupid. It's not really even about postmodernism, but was written in a fit of frustration while I was doing a reading assignment for a history of photography class. The first two lines are straight from that class's incredibly pretentious textbook which I hated so very much.

The Rain is Nothing - This was written for the prompt "It can't rain all the time." My response was that it totally can. 954 words, contemporary mainstream.

Rules For Being a Biology Major - Another random thing, once again taking a potshot at something that really irritated me when I was in college.

Utopia - My name is Thomas More. 884 words, urban fantasy.

Vestre - From the fine tradition where I can't think of a title and just name it after the protagonist. 1,223 words, fantasy.

Walking - I'm not much of a poet, but this one really wanted to be written down.

Year: A Haiku Series - A series of four haikus originally written for a creative writing class assignment.















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